
Cypherock SDK is a set of packages that can be used to interact with the Cypherock hardware wallet.

There are 3 different types of packages available:

  1. Cypherock SDK HW Connect:

    • Packages name format: @cypherock/sdk-hw-*
    • These packages will allow you to connect to the Cypherock X1 Hardware Wallet with different technologies, like: WebUSB, HID
  2. Cypherock SDK Applications:

    • Packages name format: @cypherock/sdk-app-*
    • The packages through which you will be able to invoke operations on the Cypherock X1 Hardware Wallet
  3. Cypherock SDK Utilities:

    • These packages does not directly communicate with the device, but instead provide utility functions and types.

1. SDK HW Connect

These packages will allow you to connect to the Cypherock X1 Vault with different technologies, like: WebUSB, HID.

These packages provide the low level connection to the hardware wallet.

Package name format: @cypherock/sdk-hw-*

1.1. HW HID

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-hw-hid

  • This package allows you to connect with the Cypherock X1 hardware wallet with HID protocol.

1.2. HW WebUSB

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-hw-webusb

  • This package allows you to connect with the Cypherock X1 hardware wallet with WebUSB protocol.

1.3. HW Serialport

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-hw-serialport

  • Used to update the firmware of the Cypherock X1 Hardware Vault

2. SDK Applications

These packages will allow you to invoke operations on the Cypherock X1 Vault.

Package name format: @cypherock/sdk-app-*

2.1. Manager App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-manager

  • Contains all operations present on Cypherock X1 hardware wallet which are not related to any coin.
  • Example: Fetching wallets, authenticating device, fetching device info etc

2.2. EVM App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-evm

  • Contains all operations present on Cypherock X1 hardware wallet related to evm family coins

2.3. BTC App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-btc

  • Contains all operations present on Cypherock X1 hardware wallet related to btc family coins

2.4. Near App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-near

  • Contains all operations present on Cypherock X1 hardware wallet related to near coin

2.5. Solana App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-solana

  • Contains all operations present on Cypherock X1 hardware wallet related to solana coin

3. SDK Utilities

These packages does not directly communicate with the device, but instead provide utility functions and types.

3.1 Utils

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-utils

  • Contains utility functions

3.2 Interfaces

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-interfaces

  • Contains all common interfaces and types

3.3 Core

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-core

  • Contains helper functions to communicate with the device.
  • Used by all SDK Applications