Evm App

Package name: @cypherock/sdk-app-evm

This package allows you to invoke all the device operations related to the EVM coin family.

1. Supported Coins

  • Ethereum: (ChainId: 1)
  • Polygon: (ChainId: 137)
  • Binance: (ChainId: 56)
  • Fantom: (ChainId: 250)
  • Avalanche: (ChainId: 43114)
  • Arbitrum: (ChainId: 42161)
  • Optimism: (ChainId: 10)

2. Usage

Install packages: npm i @cypherock/sdk-app-evm @cypherock/sdk-hw-webusb ethers eip-712

// NOTE: you can also use `@cypherock/sdk-hw-hid` dependending on the environment
import { DeviceConnection } from '@cypherock/sdk-hw-webusb';
import { EvmApp, setEthersLib, setEip712Lib } from '@cypherock/sdk-app-evm';

import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import * as eip712 from 'eip-712';

// Inject dependencies

const connection = await DeviceConnection.create();
const evmApp = await EvmApp.create(connection);

3. Static Methods

3.1. async EvmApp.create()

Creates an instance of EvmApp.

Arguments: None

Result: Promise<EvmApp>


const evmApp = await EvmApp.create();

4. Methods

4.1. async evmApp.getPublicKeys(params)

Fetches the public keys / addresses of the provided derivation paths and chain.

params: IGetPublicKeysParams

type GetPublicKeysEventHandler = (event: GetPublicKeysEvent) => void;

interface IGetPublicKeysParams {
  onEvent?: GetPublicKeysEventHandler;

  walletId: Uint8Array;
  derivationPaths: IGetPublicKeysDerivationPath[];
  chainId: number;

Result: Promise<IGetPublicKeysResult>

interface IGetPublicKeysResult {
  publicKeys: string[];
  addresses: string[];


const { addresses } = evmApp.getPublicKeys({
  walletId: selectedWallet.id,
  derivationPaths: [
      // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
      path: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000, 0, 0],
  chainId: 1,


4.2. async evmApp.getUserVerifiedPublicKey(params)

Fetches the public key / address of the provided derivation path and chain. It'll ask the user to verify the address generated on the device.

params: IGetUserVerifiedPublicKeyParams

interface IGetUserVerifiedPublicKeyParams {
  onEvent?: GetPublicKeysEventHandler;

  walletId: Uint8Array;
  derivationPath: number[];
  chainId: number;

Result: Promise<IGetUserVerifiedPublicKeyResult>

interface IGetUserVerifiedPublicKeyResult {
  publicKey: string;
  address: string;


const { address } = evmApp.getUserVerifiedPublicKey({
  walletId: selectedWallet.id,
  // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  derivationPath: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000, 0, 0],
  chainId: 1,


4.3. async evmApp.signTxn(params)

Sign the transaction with the provided derivation path and chain.

params: ISignTxnParams

type SignTxnEventHandler = (event: SignTxnEvent) => void;

interface ISignTxnParams {
  onEvent?: SignTxnEventHandler;

  walletId: Uint8Array;
  derivationPath: number[];

  // The unsigned transaction to sign in hex format
  txn: string;

  // If true, the result will also contain `serializedTxn`
  serializeTxn?: boolean;

Result: Promise<ISignTxnResult>

interface ISignTxnResult {
  signature: {
    r: string;
    s: string;
    v: string;

  serializedTxn?: string;


const { serializedTxn } = evmApp.signTxn({
  walletId: selectedWallet.id,
  // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  derivationPath: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000, 0, 0],
  txn: unsignedTxn,
  serializeTxn: true,


4.4. async evmApp.signPersonalMsg(params)

Sign the personal message with the provided derivation path and chain. EIP-191

Usually the message is human redable.

params: ISignPersonalMsgParams

interface ISignPersonalMsgParams {
  onEvent?: SignMsgEventHandler;

  walletId: Uint8Array;
  derivationPath: number[];
  // hex string
  message: string;

Result: Promise<ISignMsgResult>

interface ISignMsgResult {
  signature: {
    r: string;
    s: string;
    v: string;

  // hex string
  serializedSignature: string;


const { serializedSignature } = evmApp.signPersonalMsg({
  walletId: selectedWallet.id,
  // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  derivationPath: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000, 0, 0],


4.5. async evmApp.signEthMsg(params)

Same as signPersonalMsg, but in this case the message is not human redable and will be displayed as is on the device.

4.6. async evmApp.signTypedMsg(params)

Sign the typed data message with the provided derivation path and chain. EIP-712

params: ISignTypedParams

interface ISignTypedParams {
  onEvent?: SignMsgEventHandler;
  walletId: Uint8Array;
  derivationPath: number[];
  // From `eip-712` npm package
  message: EIP712TypedData;

Result: Promise<ISignMsgResult>

interface ISignMsgResult {
  signature: {
    r: string;
    s: string;
    v: string;

  // hex string
  serializedSignature: string;


const { serializedSignature } = evmApp.signTypedMsg({
  walletId: selectedWallet.id,
  // m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
  derivationPath: [0x80000000 + 44, 0x80000000 + 60, 0x80000000, 0, 0],
  message: typedData,
